Search Results | climate change feedback

Your search for "climate change feedback" returned 23 results

How Global Warming Works

Global warming is becoming an increasingly important issue. Find out what causes global warming and learn how we can decrease the effects of global warming.

Atlantic Ocean Currents Weakening, Near Verge of Collapse, Study Says

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC, plays an essential role in regulating ocean temperatures, but it looks as if it may be collapsing. What happens next?

Siberia's Batagaika Crater Just Keeps Growing, and That's Not Good

It's known as the "Gateway to Hell" and while it might not actually get you there, what it will unleash if it keeps thawing could truly be hellish.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch: The World's Biggest Landfill in the Pacific Ocean

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the world's largest landfill, is located in the middle of the Pacific. Read about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Crayola Unveils New Crayons for Kids of All Colors

Gone are the days of peach and flesh crayons. Crayola just created 24 skin tone crayons to help advance inclusion through coloring.

The Amazing, and Alarming, Science Behind Red Snow

Red snow? Yes. It totally exists. And while it might look cool, it's not exactly what you want to see from Mother Nature.

Is all motorcycle apparel made of leather?

Is all motorcycle apparel made of leather? Explore your options for motorcycle clothing at HowStuffWorks, and learn why leather might be best.

How Controlled Burns Work

How effective is fighting a wildfire with controlled fire?

How to Adapt to a New Workplace

Want to know how to adapt to a new workplace? Visit HowStuffWorks to learn how to adapt to a new workplace.

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